Friday 27 May 2011

Tickets are booked!!

I have booked my tickets for Afghanistan, well in fact it was my aunt in Germany that has booked them for me since I am going through Germany. It is booked for the 29th July from Frankfurt to Kabul, it is an open ticket and I do not know when I will be coming to visit London next but I would like to think that it would be in the first 6-9months of my move. Obviously I will need to fly from London to Frankfurt before hand but I have not purchased these tickets yet, but it will be for the 27th July.

I have also booked the restaurant for my leaving diner, I am sure you are all aware of it and will be attending.

My next task is to find a place to live in Kabul and a job to start once I am there.

I am also becoming more and more anxious about my luggage. How do you decide what you absolutely NEED to have. As I am sure most of you know, I have loads of stuff. And most of it is just 'stuff' things that have accumulated over the years that mean something. But how do i decide between my books, my shoes, my tops and my jackets. What is essential?

This is harder than persuading everyone that going is the right thing to do, I think I need to start to pack and see what fits.

For now I am counting down the weeks and enjoying the time I have left with family and friends.

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